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MILESTONE unlocked | 2200 Blitz

Hello there its been a huge while since my last blog, about a few days to be exact but anyways i hope everyone is doing well and lets go talk about something important that happened recently. last month i managed to reach 2200 Blitz for the first time and this is a special goal since i struggled in blitz, always being at 2100 range while seeing my friends pass it but i couldnt till now. anyways lets show you my final game and how i crossed 2200 on lichess

Blitz is a format that involves not only quick thinking but also intuition and general risk taking which is also considered a strength in bullet and something i will be covering in the next blog i do.

so i did explain that this a very versatile opening and while it is pretty flexible and fun to use, it can also be a advanced lefong if you think about it and i have actually won games by simply outplaying my opponent. this was how i got 2200 blitz against @MencuriGuru who i kept playing in a match over and over

after this i lost, won, and kept grinding all night with barely any sleep but i made it past 2200 trying to go at least towards 2240 rating and i got super close at my high new peak. this is my favorite game in the whole grind where i used my kind as a soldier with pretty simple technique which wasnt too bad. i also included some annotations so enjoy and cheers.

overall by the end of that night i had a pretty decent rating, got back up today and managed to go from 2216 to 2232 which is my new highest blitz peak ever. i am so proud i finally got to 2200 after being so stuck so long in the 2100 range. until then, i hope everyone stays safe, cheers, and GG