
V2 Puzzles?

Lichess recently has recently V2 puzzles. Can anybody explain to me?
I like it. It is better for training purposes.
It's a great change imo. Now we have so many more options to train certain kinds of puzzles, and choose the difficulty we want depending on what we're looking for. I think it's an objective improvement over the previous system.
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For me, it doesn't change anything. Also, this might not apply to everyone, as many of the easy puzzles I encountered today were about exploiting easy tactics where the computer had no choice anyways.

My pet peeve with the puzzles still remains, that is the computer plays in a ways to minimize my advantage rather than to proof my calculation. If it has the decision between giving up a piece for free that I can take with a single move or let me find a long line that leads to checkmate, it will always do the first instead of making the puzzle challenging. For an example, see this puzzle ( where it play 2.-Qxf5 instead of 2.-Rxf5 3.Qg4+ Kf6. Now 4.Rxf5? Qxf5 5.Rf1 looks good initially, but is a mistake because 5.-Bxh2+ saves black. You need to play 6.h4 or 6.g3 and black is helpless.
Just came here to say that V2 puzzles are AWESOME!!!
@badatthegame I understand your point and that's something that I've experienced before when solving puzzles: you feel very underwhelmed by the engine choosing the best line instead of the trickiest and longest line that would allow you to prove that you calculated everything correctly.

Puzzles V2 has an option that could be the solution to your issue: at the bottom of this page you have the option to do 'very long puzzles' which are gonna require you to calculate longer lines.
Thanks, this might help. Although not all short puzzles are bad and it doesn't avoid the same issue from occuring a move later.

Better would be some manual input, for example at chesstempo you can suggest other defense moves and someone (a human?) might eventually change the puzzle solution, but this type of work is probably out of scope of a free website like this one.

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