
Catch 22 with your stupid restrictions

I want to play in the daily variants tournament.

It won't let me play because I haven't played enough rated games.
I can't get the rated games because when I go and try to create such a game I just sit and wait and nobody takes the challenge.
This sounds immensely reasonable. It is well-known nobody can play a chess game on this site. As a workaround, go to the 404 page:

if you play the king-run game for 30 minutes it will count as a rated game.
I guess you'll have to keep trying lobby seeks unless tournament restrictions are lifted.
I will try creating my own tournaments and see if anyone joins.

The tournament I wanted to join had 7 people join so didn't even have an even number. Several players quit after one round. So much for the tournament.

They should be trying to get more and more people to join not putting up silly restrictions.

And if they do restrict, they should restrict persistent quitters, i.e. those who join tournaments and don't see it out.
I can't even create a tournament more than an hour in advance. I wanted to create it earlier so people would know it's there and be ready to join.

Also this rule:

"You are required to make your first move within 20 seconds of your turn. Failing to make a move in this time will forfeit the game to your opponent. "

is STUPID. If I have 5 minutes on my clock I have the right to use all of them for whatever move I like. And if it happens to be chess960, you want time to look at the board and plan your opening strategy.

Not everyone here wants to play bullet.
The minimum number of games for tournaments is to prevent the people who create a new account just to cheat in arena tournaments. We usually catch them after a few games but the damage is already done. It's a VERY necessary restriction IMO.

It's unfortunate that whatever variant you were playing isn't popular enough to get a game. If you want, send me a message and I'll play a few rated 1 0 games with you to get you up to the requirement.
I have a suggestion.
The rated games requirement for variant tournaments can be lifted because the whole point is to stop cheating. There are no engines good enough at cheating at variants so there is no point in the requirement.

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