
Fortunately, this game is unfortunate.

Okay, so here's how this game works, if you care to play. We create a story, swapping from a fortunate event to an unfortunate event. No fortunate events like "he gets all the things he ever wants" and no unfortunate things like "and then your main character dies of cholera."

I'll start.

Fortunately, George convinced the teacher not to give him detention.
Unfortunately, the teacher changed his mind and decided to give George an extra hour of detention for trying to convince her.
Fortunately, George convinced the teacher not to give him detention again.
Unfortunately, the teacher changed his mind again and decided to give George an extra hour of detention for trying to convince her again.
Fortunately, George convinced the teacher not to give him detention the second time.
Fortunately, Gymhgy plays "your banned" and has been banned multiple times.
Fortunately, you were not banned by me in "Your banned".
Fortunately, the narrators had returned to the story.

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