
Tell me the ways to move on from stay having a feeling to my crush.

As humans, it's common to have a feeling for someone we like. But we can't force him/her to like us back. And that's going to hurt us so much, especially when we see him/her with our friend. They are very close and friendly. And as a friend, I don't wanna hate my friend just because I like that boy. So I need to move on. Forget him from my mind. It's easy to say, but hard to do!!
Moving on? Thats quite hard to do, my solution? It really depends on how you fell in love with them. If it was slowly built up, that can't really be dealt with. But if its a "Oh hes WONDERFUL!" or love at first sight crush. You can quickly convince yourself or trick your mind into thinking hes less than a crush. Like labelling them as a friend.
Solution: don't have a crush first place
You are going to school/work to study not to crush on people
Also watch comedy movies and play games
It's like quitting an addiction: it's still gonna hurt (but less and less each day...or maybe week). :)
@sdkman said in #5:
> Solution: don't have a crush first place
> You are going to school/work to study not to crush on people
If that were true, we'd still be on virtual.
@Gravija said in #2:
> Find another crush
Dude, don't ever make this sound that easy again. It is NOT that simple.
@LordSupremeChess said in #8:
> Dude, don't ever make this sound that easy again. It is NOT that simple.
> Usually.

I know this is not easy. But it's better than doing nothing.
Respect their wish, keep your distance. Once the feelings change, and they usually do after a year or so, you can reassess that.

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