
Interesting game what are your thought about it?

HI everyone I played a person who played very accurate in my opinion too accurate what are your opinions about this game?

Black played some precise moves but looking at the game holistically it seems like white had quite a bad position by move 14 (which looked mostly theoretical up until that point this Nd7 Nb6 Rc8 is a known thing I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in some beginner caro kann course as a trap but I don't remember clearly). Once black was a pawn up and comfortably on the 2nd rank, they definitely showed precision that is a bit unexpected from a 1675 but not insanely so. If this had been over several games there might be an argument but overall this looks like an opening gone horribly wrong for white and the precision of black is mostly due to the game being prolonged all the way until checkmate. Looking at 19...Bc2 it's honestly a less important point, even if the game had been 0 inaccuracy it would still not be definitive because of how poorly the white opening went. The game looks, unless shown otherwise with additional evidence, legitimate.
@PinkWafflePig I disagree with your reasoning considering white had an accuracy of 94% saying that white played poorly is not a correct statement the level and depth some of the moves black made are very deep levels and the consistency of making multiple top engine moves consistently makes any person's opening all apart the real question how can someone so low rated make so many consistent moves especially against a much higher rated player some of the move were down right absurd most player would just push the pawns yet black eliminated any possible counterplay white had. it was a quite Mocked game if you ask me I best showing this game to multiple titled players would reach the same conclusion I came up with.
@Chessy64 you're entitled to your own opinion but it doesn't seem like your respecting mine. An accuracy of 94% means almost* nothing. CPL or % accuracy is an aggregate metric which while yes, cheated games WILL have a high accuracy, the converse is not true. A high accuracy does not tell you for certain that a game is cheated, nor does it heavily implicate a game. % accuracy is meant to be measured over several games to describe an overall level of play by a particular player. As for the opening this stuff is known and yes white played poorly. In fact I have an identical game (to move 11) where my opponent also played poorly and lost quickly as white (though they resigned much sooner). Your particular opponent is much lower rated but it's more than conceivable that they have come across this line which as I said is part of a beginner caro course. If you're convinced there's gold any shiny rock might make you believe you've rich. It does not look like your opponent used an engine. Yes black played a very nice game and did an exceptional job minimizing counter-play but the moves black played were not inconceivable. It's also worth noting that this opponents rating performance is closer to 1800 over recent games and their rating deviation is high, a brief investigation into their account and you can see that they mostly play on where their rating is different. That is still a large rating gap but not so much so that it is inconceivable they scored this win.
@PinkWafflePig the individual you are talking about has no games on chess com above 70% accuracy against 1400 rated players and yet have an accuracy of 97% against a 2300+? do the maths something does not add up
@Chessy64 going to agree with @Sarg0n here, this just seems like an attempt to name and shame rather than a productive discussion. If you're going to report the player do that but if you ask the community for an opinion don't be surprised when they give one you don't like. I'm not going to reiterate the % accuracy but again if you're accusing people of cheating based mostly on that you're going to be laughed out the door in your reports. Best of luck and hopefully you can play better in your chess games moving forward (might want to pick up that beginner caro course I can link it if I ever find it).
I think the game is an interesting game I never mentioned the word cheating you are jumping to conclusions
@Chessy64 6 of those being ultra bullet and 1 of those being a 3+0 blitz game from 2 years ago. I think I'm content where I'm at with my (mostly) slow rapid chess. I have nothing to prove in ultra-bullet/ blitz nor will I because I'm aware I'm a slow player. It's okay though not everyone plays chess to improve! If you just want to keep playing the caro as you're doing that's fine. You don't need to get better, you can just have fun with the game! I think it's great that players get to play whatever they want and explore the more dubious lines in chess, it's pretty cool you can get to such a rating with these kinds of holes in your repertoire it's a testament to your other strengths like speed! :D

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