
What is the horsey emoji for on our comments?

<Comment deleted by user>
Wait a sec u don't know horsey!!! That means u don't know 60-90% of lichess ! Horsey power is amazing!
> Wait a sec u don't know horsey!!! That means u don't know 60-90% of lichess ! Horsey power is amazing!

Sooo.... Fill me in. You're right, this is the first time I have ever found the forums, and I'm intrigued by it. I've just been doing puzzles and chess for the 2 months I've been on here.
@DERG_CHESS said in #6:
> I suggest you not to say your age in any online website...
You might want to delete your quote too - now that she's deleted her original reply ;)
@twighead said in #7:
> You might want to delete your quote too - now that she's deleted her original reply ;)

Thank you. ^_^
so 1/3 of this forum is deleted comments.
Also horsey emoji is for when something seems horsey..... ish.
@iamaglass said in #12:
> Absolutely correct. No sense(common or rare)
Horsey makes legendary sense.

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