
Chessbase: cbh to pgn


What is the shortest way to do a pgn from a cbh? is it feasible in 1 click?

For example, a cbh from pgn can be done in 1 click.

I don't know a one click option unfortunately.

There are two ways I am aware of:

1) You create a new empty pgn database and copy the games from the cbh file to your new pgn.

2) You open the cbh, select all the games you want in your pgn and right-click the selected files, then choose "Output", "Selection to Textfile" and choose the option "pgn".

If there is a way to do it more conveniently, I have yet to find it.

Sidenote: Years ago, there were some free conversion tools / programs on a private internet site. I never bothered to download them because I don't need it that often. Might be worth to check if these programs still exist, if you use it a lot. Edit: One such converter can be found here:
I have not tried it myself. Can't guarantee it works. Can't guarantee it's virus-free.

Yes i was doing this method, but it seems so long for a so simple thing! OK nevermind!

I think Chessbase block it on commercial purpose in order that max people use .cbh. This is very silly but i feel it is true unfortunately.

In fact, the problem with these cbh files is mainly that they create so many files with different extensions... how can a programmer (Chessbase) can imagine doing that this way? i never understood this point.

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