
Lichess layout

For some reason my lichess layout has changed the past few days. I am not able to see the bar where you see your previous H2H score against someone . Any idea how to make it revert to the old (normal) layout? I don't know if I accidently triggered some setting or if it's a bug haha
Lichess layout is responsive. This means it reacts to the size and the format of your display/window.
So the position of things like the crossbar might change if you change e.g. your zoom factor or resize your browser window.
Looks like Thibault recently changed the streamer layout for lichess (some CSS that is put into the Stylus extension) so that it hides the scoresheet. I want to play with the scoresheet though haha.

When I comment the two lines related to that it comes back, but in a weird position.

Any help with how to put it back in would be appreciated :) (I'm a noob at coding)
The layout changed for me too. Everything is bigger and the chat box is on the lower right. I dislike this design. Tried changing browser (safari) settings to no avail.

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