
I have a question for the Lichess Mods or people in charge of updating the site

Hi there

I was wondering in regard to the most active players list do games against the computer count? As it can take some time to find someone in the pool to play against let alone give me a rematch so if I were to play against the computer and rematching would that be fine in regard to games counting for the most active players list?

@FryderykFranciszek stop being rude I have a genuine question I do not appreciate your insulting comment also you cannot say with all due with respect then insult someone and make it okay an insult is an insult no matter how you word it.
@Chessy64 said in #3:
> @FryderykFranciszek stop being rude I have a genuine question I do not appreciate your insulting comment also you cannot say with all due with respect then insult someone and make it okay an insult is an insult no matter how you word it.

I didn't insult you or anyone else.

I'm just saying that your message would be much more understandable if you use some punctuation marks. That's all.

I'm just trying to help.

And of course, the introduction of "with all due respect" indicates that I'm being polite.

Let's say, it's just "constructive criticism". Don't feel attacked, please.

I like cooking my cat and my dog.

I like cooking, my cat, and my dog.

as far as I know, rated games against bots count as normal games. but I vaguely remember some limitations to limit rating manipulations. I don't remember any of the details and might be wrong.

also try playing at different times if you can. maybe go to bed an hour early and wake up an hour early to see if there are more players online early in the morning your time. you might catch evening in europe, or maybe evening in the usa.

also checkout the tournament schedule. if there's a tournament on at a convenient time for you, depending on format, that's 5-20 games back to back.
I think teletransportation has just been proved to exist beyond theoretical papers once again. Somebody is bleeding after having been hit in the head by a heavy English grammar book thrown with satellite-like precision into ... cyberspace ! The score is now Grammar Book Gunners 0, Bleeding Ignorance Forever (infinite symbol) ️, as expected.

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