
Is it legal to do funny checkmates in OTB tournaments?

If somehow I got a bunch of pawns in an OTB tournament and wanted to promote them all to bishops to checkmate my opponent would it be allowed? And borrowing pieces from other sets when I needed more bishops?
Yeah - they'd resign before you had a chance to do it though.
But two friends could draw, and before they do that, they allow each other to promote all their pawns.
@FunnyAnimatorJimTV said in #1:
> If somehow I got a bunch of pawns in an OTB tournament and wanted to promote them all to bishops to checkmate my opponent would it be allowed? And borrowing pieces from other sets when I needed more bishops?

It would theoretically be legal, but some people would consider it bad etiquette, as if you're trying to troll the opponent. If the opponent didn't resign, you could do it.
@FunnyAnimatorJimTV said in #1:
> If somehow I got a bunch of pawns in an OTB tournament and wanted to promote them all to bishops to checkmate my opponent would it be allowed? And borrowing pieces from other sets when I needed more bishops?

Yes. Don't expect to win any friends with that though. And you'd make a fool of yourself if you end up with all bishops of the same colour.
also accidental stalemate is possibility with such stupid way of playing. I've seen stalemate on on such stupidity twice as arbiter in a tournament. another about 8 yo game other in game between teenagers. I would be really puzzled to see it game between adults
It is definetely bad etiquette, but not illegal at all.
@Abigail-III said in #5:
> Yes. Don't expect to win any friends with that though. And you'd make a fool of yourself if you end up with all bishops of the same colour.

(I started typing this and only then realized what you meant by "dont expect to win any friends")
I mean, if they choose not to resign, it's them allowing time to go on so I might as well have fun against them

Well this was the game i just played today and it made me curious so i asked it here lmao

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