
Aide pour streamer


Je n'arrive pas à créer mon compte streamer et ne trouve pas de notice en français, qui aurait la patience de m'aider svp
Maybe try google-translating that but you have a massive chance of getting English translations with growing cakes and nuclear potatoes growing on trees and stuff.
Si tu expliques un peu plus ton problème, je pourrais peut-être t'aider. De plus, les messages de lichess sont en anglais et non en français.
@tejaspait said in #2:
> Pls tell in English
S/He is saying


I can not create my streamer account and can not find a notice in French, who would have the patience to help me please
ne t'en fais pas, tout ira bien ! Sois juste toi-même et mets un chapeau si ça aide.
@greenShadow_Lizard said in #5:
> S/He is
> saying Hello I can not create my streamer account and can not find a notice in French, who would have the patience to help me please

Guys, just use Google translate...
@decluc04 said in #1:
> Hello
> I can't create my streamer account and can't find a notice in French, who would have the patience to help me please

Translate the page using google translate

Traduire la page en utilisant google translate

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