
Automatic cheating detection


So yes, I used engine analysis in one game and Lichess made me automatically "resign". Sorry.

But I had a big material advantage here, and was going to win.

Maybe disable auto-cheating detection for the cases where the "cheater" has a big material advantage?
Lichess, you cannot allow yourself to win because it takes away the error factor from the player.
Saying you were won doesn't mean you won
They still have some games to play
"Maybe disable auto-cheating detection for the cases where the "cheater" has a big material advantage? " That must be a joke?
The next time I sacrifice a rook unsoundly to launch a dangerous attack on my opponent's king, I don't want them turning on an engine to find out how to weather the storm and win.
@Brian-E said in #4:
> The next time I sacrifice a rook unsoundly to launch a dangerous attack on my opponent's king, I don't want them turning on an engine to find out how to weather the storm and win.
I think he is trolling. That can't be taken seriously.
@cc10B said in #5:
> I think he is trolling. That can't be taken seriously.

There is no such game as he describes in his recent history, so you are surely right.
@Peter-developer01 said in #7:

I guess I didn't look back far enough.

Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't cheat again. I guess it does make a little more sense that it was a correspondence game, so perhaps you didn't want to wait for the game to end before starting to analyze it, but you still can't do that as you've found out. You can, however, analyze without an engine, even exploring different variations on the analysis board. This is allowed, even for the current position (in correspondence games).

Also, what in the world do you mean by the comment "the last move was a blunder"? Are you referring to the last move of the game? Or the "move" of turning on the engine?
@AsDaGo said in #8:
> I guess I didn't look back far enough.
> Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't cheat again. I guess it does make a little more sense that it was a correspondence game, so perhaps you didn't want to wait for the game to end before starting to analyze it, but you still can't do that as you've found out. You can, however, analyze without an engine, even exploring different variations on the analysis board. This is allowed, even for the current position (in correspondence games).
> Also, what in the world do you mean by the comment "the last move was a blunder"? Are you referring to the last move of the game? Or the "move" of turning on the engine?

I added that comment while in the game, using the whisper feature. It is no longer needed...

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