
Merry Christmas!

@Savage_Water said in #2:
> This is why I'm never going on a date with you, you're always "outdated". Christmas is on Monday, December 25, 2023, fool.
Well, if you go to the Shopping Mall you'll see this is up to date. ;-P
Oh no, I didn't do my duolingo lesson these 2 months... the duo bird is gonna kill me oh no someone call an ambulance
@RishikaPlaysChess said in #15:
> Oh no, I didn't do my duolingo lesson these 2 months... the duo bird is gonna kill me oh no someone call an ambulance
You Duoling? Me too! What language do you learn with it?
Indeed yes, Two months for everyone to think what to get me for 'That Festive Thing Holiday'. lol. :).

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