
What the hell is going on?

I'm going to assume you're Black. What's going on is that you played the bad move dxe5, giving White a free space advantage and simultaneously killing your bishop on g7 and your knight on f6. I'm mean okay, both sides could have played better at times leading up to this, but broadly speaking that looks to be your problem: White has a space advantage and is completely dominating the centre, and all of your pieces are dead.

Of course, as my paragraph above implies, if you're White here (which is possible, since White resigned for some reason), then I don't get what you're talking about since White is better.
I think you resigned a bit early. Yea, your position was uncomfortable, but it's not near over.
Yeah, I'm very confused. I have no idea what you mean by a stalemate, cause the position is far from decisive.
Did you mean zugzwang rather than stalemate? However, you're (I'm presuming you're Black) not even in zugwang.

Yes, things aren't looking rosy, but Black can try to claw back some of that space while hunkering down and hoping for opportunities for counter-play. Perhaps Black's position is too passive for your playing style?

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