
why can i not get better

I have played on this site for a while and recently decided to join. I really enjoy all the things it offers but even after all the training and practice I still cant win a game to save my life. In the past month I have played countless games for eight hours a day four days a week and I can maybe beat the A.I. once in ever fifty. Should I just give up and commit chess suicide.
do you play as annonymous because in your account you have only played 99 games ?
yes for the majority I have I only recently set up an account. I have watched videos and studied and played, and no matter what it seems I only get worse. So this will probably be my last little bit of playing chess before I just say I give up. which is a shame cause I really like the game but there is no point if I cant get the point
In my experience, playing countless games "for 8 hours a day" is the worst thing one can do. Incidentally, it's the best way to get tired of chess and lose interest. I suggest you play a few meaningful games per day with maximum concentration. Make them rated with a longer time control, perhaps 15+10 or 10+5. Play against other beginners, not the AI. Obtain and carefully study a well known book on tactics, that's the minimum requirement in terms of fundamental skills. One book that comes to mind is Heisman's "Back to Basics: Tactics", or something similar. Also get a collection of puzzles for beginners and solve a bit each day. Use proper puzzles, say from a book, don't use computer-generated ones on the internet, at least not as your main source for studying.

Be patient and make sure you enjoy what you are doing.
You need to have a good foundation to build from before playing will really start doing much. I'd recommend picking up a basic general book on chess. Here are 4 simple ideas about the opening (but also apply to every other stage of the game in varying ways) that should help you a lot:

1. Move a center pawn (e or d pawn) two squares forward. If you can move both then all the better.

2. Develop all of your pieces before starting to move the same piece multiple times. Knights before bishops. Bishops before rooks and queen around the same time as rooks.

3. Fight for the center. You want your pieces and your pawns to control the center. When you control the center you can more easily maneuver your pieces to one side or the other.

4. Don't give away material. Pawns are 1 point, knights/bishops 3, rooks 5, queens 9. 1 point is enough to win a game.

I noticed you're playing Stockfish 1 alot. I would strongly recommend playing rated games against other humans in lieu of this. Crippled computers play nothing like humans. But in any case I tried to give an example of applying these ideas in a very clear fashion against Stockfish 1 here:

No real tactics or anything. Just following those guidelines and munching on all the material it hung and finally using my better centralization to rapidly swing my pieces over to its king and mate.
Maybe you should just give it up and find another hobby which will bring you more satisfaction. If it is not working then I agree.
This guy make interessant and usefull study's for beginners like us

look at chess tips part.1 to 10

and black's or white's first move training

and dont forget most of players playing well ONLY because they train hardly :read books, see vids, take lessons from many years, play in chess club.
NOBODY can be good at chess without training a lot many years you are not the problem :)

But you can play for fun and little by little if you REALLY want it you gonna be better.
Learning is the key , No bluff at chess:)

I see you play ranked games against players rated 1500 or more that a mistake.
Play only against players ranked between 800 and 1250 ( players having same level that you) and play 15min minutes games at least, no short time game.

Read some chessbooks. Join a chess club (they often have chessbooks there, so you can look out for a good one). Observe players when they analyze a game. Ask questions.

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