
Search "user:Germono1"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The Chess Puzzle's are garbage on lichess...#21

@MasterOvFan said in #19: > Maybe you're just bad at them lol Pretty accurate, at the cost that I play for a good position only regardless of how many pieces I lose... Maybe I need to change my playin…

General Chess Discussion - The Chess Puzzle's are garbage on lichess...#1

Let's be honest about the puzzles on lichess, it's a good idea to use puzzles from games played on the website, but then that makes the puzzles inaccurate. I just played a puzzle #Tlmcb and it says th…

General Chess Discussion - What is the best chess game ever?#16

An easy answer is the game Magnus played back in 2020 where the engines rated his moves almost perfect throughout the game.

General Chess Discussion - What questions torment beginner chess players?#5

@InkyDarkBird said in #4: > What is en passant and how does it work? It is when you have a pawn that is pushed 2 squares, and there is an enemy pawn next to the newly pushed 2 square pawns. That pawn …

General Chess Discussion - why does no one play EVANS GAMBIT?#23

Jerome's Gambit is better.

General Chess Discussion - What questions torment beginner chess players?#3

An interesting topic, is the rating system creating a racist or bias community? And is it hurting the chess community rather than improving it?

Game analysis - Game Analysis - Want ideas on how to improve the opening from the following game.#1

<iframe src="" width=600 height=397 frameborder=0></iframe>

General Chess Discussion - Starting to hate chess#56

They see the flaws of this game.

General Chess Discussion - Starting to hate chess#53

Also, people stop bringing the rating system into this discussion. It's just a measurement of skill that isn't even accurate. A-rated 400 players in the Fide could practice until 2000, and then challe…

Game analysis - Which opening trick has the most "empiric" success in your personal pgn database ?#12

White: e4 followed by White Bc4 then white take black's king pawn forcing them out of their saftey and destroying their defense's very quickly. Look at majority of my game's if you don't understand.
