
10 Must-Read Non-Chess Books Every Chess Player Should Explore

I don't know how I feel about lichess publishing an article praising self-help books by pyramid scheme peddler Tony Robbins.

I'm sure whatever life lesson you can learn from these superficial introductions to personal philosophy can actually help people if they haven't learned the basic lessons elsewhere already, but I would say that the risk of falling into the sales funnel of an MLM outweighs this benefit.

I am not happy that this blog was posted on the front page of lichess. Not at all.
If today I'm 1500 elo and I improve 1% per day compounded, thus being 37 times better in 1 year, what elo will I have?
Also, if I lose 1% skill each day and become 33 times worse, what elo will I have?
wow this is easily the worst book list i've ever seen in my whole life, these books probably aren't even good enough to start a fire
Oh no, not more self-help books. It's either common knowledge or complete bs (like the 1% rule). All these books talk about efficiency yet is a fact that people read the same bs a billion times. The only habit readers of these books acquire is to read more self help books.
From mashable:
1. Take one small step.
2. Change your mental maps.
3. Struggle is good. Scary is good
4. Instant judgment is bad.
5. Remember the end of your life.
6. Be playful.
7. Be useful to others.
8. Perfectionism = procrastination
9. Sleep, exercise, eat, chill out. Repeat.
10. Write it all down.
11. You can't get it all from reading.

So now you don't have to read any of them.

Honestly what is good? Personally I like stories and since stories resonate with people differently I can't recommend any of those.
Reminds me of when I worked at a direct mail place and we would send out lots of "self-help" management books every month. The most remarkable thing about all of it was that it was all utter rubbish...yet people evidently kept on sucking up this type of interchangeable by-the-numbers trash (like "Getting In Touch With Your Inner Buffett").
I would like personaly add one more book, "The Six Secrets of Intelligence: What your education failed to teach you by Craig Adams".
These blogs are truly rubbish. More like click baits, or even spam than helpful. Just cut it out, it is utterly embarrissing to see this crap everyday. Desperate rubbish