
Lichess needs to do more about cheating!

I have never been more dismayed abut the state of fair play on this site as I'm today.
Anything specific happen to you?
What time controls are you worried about? I have only really seen cheating a few times and each time it was in rapid rather than blitz or bullet which of course makes sense. I think anyone using an automover engine would probably be flagged by lichess very easily hence I don't expect bullet for example to have almost any cheating.
if you are <1500 it's really really easy to get frustrated. You can clearly see people changing tabs (the green dot becomes grey, then green, then they move) when they are losing and then started playing perfectly. I guess since you are >2000 in rapid you experience that much much less.
@Mulder90 said in #4:
> if you are <1500 it's really really easy to get frustrated. You can clearly see people changing tabs (the green dot becomes grey, then green, then they move) when they are losing and then started playing perfectly. I guess since you are >2000 in rapid you experience that much much less.

I would expect higher rated players to encounter more cheating than lower rated ones.

But you could be right. If there is indeed more cheating in lower rated games, that indicates that cheating players are being caught very quickly before they reach the higher echelons.
Agree 100% ! I have sent a message to the support about my last game (Ruy Lopez. Morphy Defence. Really complicated opening) and no feed back (He played the game like title guy) :

0 inaccuracies / 0 mistakes / 0 blunders / 9 Average centipawn loss / 97% Accuracy for my opponent.

As usual nothing will be done (I sent severals request for 100% accuracy (25 moves and more) and nothing has been done.

Maybe it is too complicated to fight cheating. We have to deal with it. No choice.
@Brian-E said in #5:
> I would expect higher rated players to encounter more cheating than lower rated ones.
> But you could be right. If there is indeed more cheating in lower rated games, that indicates that cheating players are being caught very quickly before they reach the higher echelons.

In my experience around 1500 is the worst since people start there and they don't want their elo to fall immediately. I had so many games where I could see clearly people started suddenly playing much better. With the game analysis after the game, you could see the move times being consistent and very good moves for that part of the game. I started playing in Zen mode for a while now, much better and I get much less frustrated :)
@Mulder90 said in #7:
> In my experience around 1500 is the worst since people start there and they don't want their elo to fall immediately.

But do you have experience of playing in a rating range other than your own?

And a starting player at "1500?" will increase the rating dramatically in a handful of games if they cheat and win.

> I had so many games where I could see clearly people started suddenly playing much better. With the game analysis after the game, you could see the move times being consistent and very good moves for that part of the game. I started playing in Zen mode for a while now, much better and I get much less frustrated :)

That's a good measure to take.

The single most damaging threat which cheating causes to online chess is the *fear* of meeting cheating opponents. It's actually extremely hard for a non-specialist to detect cheating reliably, and most suspicions are in fact unfounded. So a policy of not worrying too much about it and trusting the site's cheating detection team, which I believe is very effective, is a really good way of dealing with it.
All lichess ever does is deny that cheating exists. They Deny deny deny and if you have a valid claim they either just ignore it or the mods call you a liar. They simply don't care as long as thye can control the narrative that cheating doesn't exist here.

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