
bug report

See game below.

I (pierredams) made my move (Nc3) but it was written as Nf6 on the notation and my clock keep running and just went to zero. I had tried to rewind the move and made another but did not work. Game was recorded as lost by me as no move made.
Some mistake in my description: i was Black in fact in that game but was not able to make a move as Nc3 was recorded as Nf6.
When the game started i had the white side, so thought i had White. I flip the board (F key) but could not play any move for Black or White
You were tricked by some prankster to play chess from position: the pieces are reversed. White shuvashish played 1 Ng8-f6 and then you pierreadams as black did not reply and lost on time.
"could not play any move"

There are no legal pawn moves in that position, only knight's. I assume you were only trying with the pawns.
This upside down chess is a win for white: white promotes to queens first.
@tpr in short time controls Black still wins a good amount of times bc there's plenty of material and plenty of ways to blunder. Anyway I love the amount of free wins in these tournaments

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