
Traxler counter attack

Yeah the Traxler is full of romantic-style surprises like that. They're all very sharp, but I've always been afraid to play the Traxler in competitive chess because of 6.Kf1!, in deviation from that
game. There was a line where White maintains a winning game even after 5.Nxf7 instead of 6.Bxf7+, but I don't remember what it was exactly. I wrote it down somewhere.

I prefer the King's Gambit because I at least know that, unlike with the Traxler, even Houdini/Rybka can be convinced that the opening draws and has sufficient compensation against all cases.

The lines you get to play and surprise your opponent with are a bit harder to memorize than with the Traxler, but that gives you more room for your own imagination.
Oh god, I came.

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