
I feel very unhappy with my endgame level

So from this analysis:

I felt like I was crushing my opponent, I even overlooked a mate in 2, but what I most regret is the way I played this endgame. I had a clear advantage, but it seems like I threw away all the hard work with just a silly move of my king (44...Kg6) and I draw the game.

How much it hurts! I can't believe I'm this stupid! Hell and hell! >:( What do you think? Should I study some specific endgames so that this won't happen to me anymore? And what do you think about the rest of the game's level? I need some consolation :(
endgames are always worth, though this knight vs pawns thing isn't a very common endgame. as i guess you have learned the hard way, knights are notoriously bad against rook pawns.

it's easy to say you should have rushed the king to the queenside in hindsight, but your sense of danger should have been really alert since he got the king to d3. i would actually also have played 42..Ke6 instead, as h5 is met by Ne3+ (winning g4) and g5 is punished by g6.
#2 Hi, thank you very much for your answer. Yeah, I was feeling like my knight was being a bit useless in such position, and I also think that I should have activated my king earlier for the endgame.

And do you think I should have exchanged the knights with my opponent (21...Rxf1 22. Rxd3) for reaching and easier endgame with my rook+bishop? I thought about that possibility, but the idea of breaking those four connected pawns by taking the weakest one looked still a safer option...
You should have brought your king to the center.

the H pawn was no danger because you had your g pawn
#4 Yes, now I realize about that.

I was afraid to leave my g-pawn alone and that he decided to approach his king to it, together with his h and g-pawns, but I guess that would have been a very slow plan for White and that I would have been at time to promote my c-pawn by then :/
about move 21 i think you played it fine, since his knight couldn't escape.
i do kinda dislike 27..e5 though, seems to me like just a pseudo-active move which actually doesn't achieve anything since what you should be doing is to activate your king to support the pawns. so 27..Kf8 Ke7 etc
#6 Oh, that's right! During the whole endgame I was missing my king's support, and that would have been a great moment to activate it...

I admit that moving 27...e5 was a result of my overconfidence, rather than a deliberate calculation. And now this game makes me realize how much valuable my turns become during an endgame!
Hey, player 1
You should have moved 17. ... B x h2 +
One move that I really don't like at all was 34. b4. IMO this is what cost you the win, because after cxb4 and axb4, your b pawn was going to remain extremely weak. Then, it looks like you didn't pay too much attention to this weakness and your opponent used that to capture your pawn, creating an unstopable passed pawn on the a file.

One advice I could give you, even if I'm not a strong player, is to take your time in the endgame, especially when you have an advantage. During this endgame, you made WAY too much pawn moves, and it only made them more vulnerable : this is especially clear with what you have done with your f and e pawns. Instead, you should calmly bring your king to center, make sure that your opponent doesnt get any counterplay, and try to create a dangerous passed pawn or a weakness in your opponent's pawns.
#9 Hey Lockpick, I appreciate your advice, thank you :) Definitely 34.b4 combined with the absence of my king, helped my opponent to create an unstoppable a-pawn. That was a very interesting observation!

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