
Is the WCM Title Some Sort of Joke?

I saw a player with a ratimg of 1600 with the WCM title. How can anyone take this title seriously?
Is the CM title a joke? Are arena titles a joke?
@Cedur216 said in #2:
> Is the CM title a joke? Are arena titles a joke?

If they are given to people who are under FIDE 2200 then yes they are IMHO.
They are just introducing more and more titles. When the CM title was first introduced it was seen as off, but in recent times especially with arena titles it is just ridiculous. Yes arena titles are a joke, and CM used to be a joke, no serious player ever wanted to claim it when it first came out.
CM is fine now, people have come to terms with it, but then there is also the problem of NM and federation titles. Why would an NM (weaker than CM) want to claim a CM title when they reach that rating when the title 'candidate master' sounds like a demotion.
I think they should stick to CM onwards. The women's titles are another thing entirely, eg. why is there no WNM?
@WalterTrentkamp said in #1:
> I saw a player with a ratimg of 1600 with the WCM title. How can anyone take this title seriously?

this title is serious, it can be obtained by reaching a ranking or winning a tournament. So i don't understand where is the problem
@CSKA_Moscou said in #5:
> this title is serious, it can be obtained by reaching a ranking or winning a tournament. So i don't understand where is the problem

so if they introduced a new title, the BM (beginner master) for reaching 1500 fide you would think that that would be good?
@CSKA_Moscou said in #5:
> this title is serious, it can be obtained by reaching a ranking or winning a tournament. So i don't understand where is the problem

For me master implies above 2200 Fide.
Having a master who I could beat is a joke.
Arena Candidate Master (ACM) is achieved by a series of 150 bullet games, 100 blitz games or 50 rapid games with a performance rating of over 1100.

As of January 2020 there were 382 ACMs.

If being cynical I'd assume it's a cash grab as I believe FIDE charge with ACM/AFM/AIM/AGM costing 5/15/30/50 Euros respectively. Although it does mean that you can buy a FIDE title (if you're stronger than 1100 FIDE) and whenever you play in FIDE rated events you'll show up as a ACM etc.
@keatanpatel said in #6:
> so if they introduced a new title, the BM (beginner master) for reaching 1500 fide you would think that that would be good?

where do you want to go? the title that you invent cannot have a valid reason to exist: WCM is obtained either by reaching a specific ranking, or by winning a tournament. a 1500 player who wins a junior tournament can become CM or WCM.
@WalterTrentkamp said in #7:
> For me master implies above 2200 Fide.

It's your opinion, not the opinion of FIDE

> Having a master who I could beat is a joke.

Congratulations, that mean you play great.

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