
Hey, make a new master!!!!!! What about a REGION MASTER?

A female player can chose from 10 titles, a male player from 5.
But I am preety ssure, that if you want to be a region master, you need to be first in a Tournament !!
If you want to be a Namelecc Master, then give me 10000 dollars. Don't worry, you will receive your title, not many people have it (very scarce and valuable!).
International master
Let’s make a National Master!
National Master
Let’s make a region Master
Region Master
Next thing: Town master Street master House Master
You do realise the titles keep getting smaller and smaller.
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside...
Here's a better way to put it - using proof by contradiction to prove that adding extra narrow titles is pointless:

Yeah from now on we should have custom titles that go to players:

TKY - Toad of the Sky @Toadofsky
SA - Savage Antarctican @SavageAntarctican
CO - Cactus Overlord @SavageCactus
KK - Komodo's Kid @komokid
LC - Lichess Creator @thibault
NJK - @nojoke (he had this title on
BO - Bee Overlord @AHappyBee
OA - Official Account @lichess
V - Verified (goes to the verified people and bots on lichess)
WC - World Champion @Drnykterstein and all of Magnus's accounts
CAM - Chess Advice Master @tpr
CC - Cow Chesser @TheLandOfCows
PG - Penguin Gamer @penguingim1 @c9c9c9c9c9 and the various other penguins from Antarctica
PF - Penguin Faker (goes to the various penguingim1 username fakers)
MZ - Master of Zugzwang @ZugAddict
MB - Master of Berserk @hiimgosu
UB - Undefeated Bot (goes to undefeated bots like @UndefeatedBot)
SO - Scorpion Overland @scorpianfire7
DR - Goes to people with PHDs
And so on...

In fact, we should make titles as reaction roles made by teams as well as non-teams so people can have multiple titles. For example:

AL SSSL ETL EFP 1500+BU 1500+RD 1250+BL 1250+AT 2000+PZ 1000+UB PZ A_0123456 translates to:

Antarctican Leader Strange Solar System Leader Empty Team Leader Epic Forum Poster 1500+ Bullet 1500+ Rapid 1250+ Blitz 1250+ Atomic 2000+ Puzzles 1000+ Ultrabullet Patzer A_0123456

And now, we should make it so that people can add infinite titles and make their own titles:
AHDVDUSBSJSUWHGEYEJW EUVEYSIWBWHWUSIAJ A_0123456, which is utter nonsense but who cares? Titles will soon take up entire pages.

And GMs shouldn't be considered GMs anymore. Everybody has infinite titles, has done infinite work, is infinitely good at infinite things, right? Right?

If I went too far there, I'm just proving to you the uselessness of narrow titles such as Region Master. Regular titles will lose their value and people with significantly less experience than current people with titles will feel like they're equal in level to current titled people. People may even stop improving at times. Obviously, that idea makes no sense. Titles are meant as a reward for years of perseverance and hard work. Hence, we are not adding anymore titles other than maybe Arena Grandmaster (AGM), but that title's officiality remains disputed on lichess.

So many people ask clearly nonsensical questions such as adding regional grandmasters... wow...
We could add a new BM title : BlUnDeR MaStEr.

Applicants should supply competent authorities with a list of tournament games they lost thanks to fatal blunders.

The list should include very meaningful blunders like :

Resigning in a position where you wrongly assume your Queen is trapped

Resigning because you assume the endgame is lost while it is actually 100 % won

Resigning when you are actually one move away from inevitable stalemate but you cannot see it.

Resigning because you see an incoming checkmate that only exist in your imagination
A chess title is a category.

Not all chess rating systems are the same, but the titles have the same meaning.

So a chess title helps to transpose a chess players rating from one rating system to another.
Rating system has a fixed rating number for each category level.
There are Candidate Master (CM). Are there Candidate Experts (CE)?

Rating categories are in a way titles.
Class C only tournaments, for Class C skilled players.
Master only tournaments, for Master skilled players.
Our skill level is a title.

Best in the region... is not a regional master.

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