
Why was in this game, there is cheat detected message?

@jonesmh I disagree with that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing on a queen down. E.g. I am 2200, but I won't blame anyone for playing on, I just enjoy that I will win.
Why so angry at people playing on? It's natural to play chess until mate, so why not do it? Noone would blame a football team for still trying to win in 90th minute, even if they're down 3-0.
Maybe you're just afraid you could still mess it up?!

Besides, you would be surprised what comebacks have happened. Some GM once won a game in a long time control OTB tournament, after having been down a queen vs. a 2200 rated player.
Ok wait!

Your queen was attacked and the only way to save it is to move it away. But you misclicked on your bishop and clicked on a square not even close to your queen. And your are still consider that a mouseslip? Don't you think you just missed it till you moved? But you blame it on your opponent.

Also you ask the computer what is the best move of a game that is still in progress and wonder why you were marked as an cheater?

I kinda lose my faith in humanity if i read posts like that.
Oh gees OP thought this was the chess jokes thread! I see now!
@MoistvonLipwig Not really angry, just find that this is a waste of time. I rather play for fun than the win or exercising my technique. If it was natural to play until mate, then resigning would not be an option. I think it shows respect to the opponent to resign in a lost position.
Football rules doesn't allow for quitting, even when down 9-0 in the last minute. However then have a inane rule about ending the game in overtime. The first one to score wins. No need to kick the final point or let the opposition have a chance. Maybe we should adopt their rules and the first person to deliver a check after the first time control wins.
Abandoning a game without resigning is bad form unless your opponent was a complete jerk, and simply not giving takebacks does not qualify one for that.

While, I usually resign at a reasonable time (eg against an equal opponent anything worse than being a piece down) I believe not resigning isn't wrong since you almost always have at least a faint hope of having your opponent blunder, getting a stalemate, winning on time etc.. Not giving up is a virtue not a vice.
I would ask the people who complain on here about non-resigners, how often do you politely ask them to resign in this situation? Many people do like to play out to the end no matter how much they are up just for the satisfaction of the checkmate. Believe it or not your opponent is NOT a mind reader to know which way you prefer.
@jonesmh Are you saying checkmate is not the natural game ending? Afterall all game that's what we're trying for. And well, playing chess alltogether is a waste of time...
I can understand if someone resigns. I'll also often resign when I'm just not willing to play on. But sometimes I want to play on and then I do. What does it have to do with respect?

In football you can quit playing. Not literally, but you can just stop playing forward and instead just passing the ball around waiting for the time to run out. And that doesn't happen that rarely when one team is up 3 goals or so.
Could you elaborate what you mean by the adopting the football rule, I can't make sense of it. Or do you speak of the old golden goal rule from 50 years ago?
Do we really need to review basic philosophies of justice or pragmatic concerns of deterring bad behavior?
If someone does something wrong, certain behaviors in response to this that would otherwise be unethical, are now not unethical because they would be in response to the wrongdoing that occurred.
You cannot remove context in questions of ethics.
That doesn't make sense. According to that logic you would be "allowed" to e.g. murder in revenge of them murdering someone else. Not only can that obviously not be ethical, it would also be pretty problematic for any kind of civilisation.

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