
[Serious Bug] Lichess doesn't acknowledges my moves and continues counting down time

It happened two times today, I make my move and the move appears on the board but Lichess doesn't acknowledges it and continues to count down time until it runs out!

Most recent one:

There were no network problems. No network error or reconnecting messages. My internet was working.

What lag??? It wasn't a few seconds, it was 3 minutes! Lag!? Please...
And your reply is patronizing. The usual around here.

I came to this thread to report that it happened again, but why bother?

Try refreshing your page next time - and your complaint is a common one among the forums, so it's unlikely a serious bug.

Just saying...

Don't shoot the messenger.
If you see some sort of error and/or information in your browser's console, that may help us understand where the problem lies...
I've run into this a few times. Refresh your board and it will be fixed. It's a bug but not a serious one.

@ wonquestioniqtest frequency and severity are definitely each their own metric. You can have one without the other.

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