
The importance of punctuation

@dstne said in #27:
> ,!!.’’;:!!,).”//-!,.??,!.!,?:?:;;/-(/?,?:?/?/“!:?
Unfortunately I don't understand that language.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #33:
> Despite being quite of a programmer (I know some prog. lang.) I still don't get it.

It was just a joke that I replaced all the letters with random punctuation. There is no significance to the symbols.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #33:
> Despite being quite of a programmer (I know some prog. lang.) I still don't get it.

Well I need a proof that you're really quite a programmer. Can you interpret this? ;-P
@Akbar2thegreat said in #33:
> Despite being quite of a programmer (I know some prog. lang.) I still don't get it.

The used symbols as punctuation are very important and depend on the code, as example: in CSS the encapsulation is of great importance <body> e.g. >> Python the / as many other symbols of others in bash a simple - missed messes up... can't just text bash with a . middle in text etc etc. More so, it is even essential in coding or your text will not work,it is an executable aspect that the pc know.. therefor a code editor that show you red if faulty. A big NOT TO DO is the / that will represent root in bash after:$: sudo -rm -rf /
Any one ever heard of Full point punctuation?
Do not search it please if you minor or sensible, discretion is advised but it's gross shit what you get to see, some even true. The worse have kind of titles like: ..ø·ø ̈ùšù„ø ... ø£øoù†ùšø ù„ù„ø£ø·ù ø§ù„ ... ù„ùš
in UNICode HEX.

I repeat if you a minor or sensible person don't watch please. Here why:
The worse have kind of titles like:
The worse kind have a title looking like:
is also a consideration of punctuation, yet I thought the symbols were of importance.
I wonder what coding you do as well if you did not know that, smart contracts where you are on site within a code editor for that certain mix of code's?
these links r better
There are others beside. For more deepened free learning there are plenty of site's.
On the regard of Interpreter there is also Meterpreter> there it is more about CyberSec pure using exploits which I discourage to do.
No meaning 2 be rude about what coding you do, I encourage education. I also have flaws. And the symbols are of very great importance more so in XSS etc, also in simple Js because they tell the pc the executation. Now topic was proper English, not coding.
I love punctuation unless it's placed in one of my game scores. ?!, ? and ?? get old quickly.

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