
How to copy puzzle (without manual creation with board editor) and insert into study?

I want create a study devoted specific opening and add some typical puzzles.
Is it possible to copy ready puzzle from another chapter of and insert into my study as new chapter?
Without necessity to use board editor and insertion of every piece in position.
After you've done the puzzle you can press analyze, and from there you can copy FEN.
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@Highflyer33 said in #2:
> After you've done the puzzle you can press analyze, and from there you can copy FEN.

Thanks for advice. It works.

How to copy position from puzzles training (get FEN or PGN):
1. Turn off "Jump to next puzzle immediately"
2. After you have solved the puzzle (or pressed "View solution"), choose the right move before solution on the board.
3. Then press "Play with the computer"
4. Then under the position you will get fields "FEN" and "PGN".

It's a little bit long process, but anyway it is faster than do it manually on board editor.
there's an easier way. go to the game the puzzle is from, and copy the fen from there.

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