
I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?

Ah, that's good. I did notice that mouseslips (such as a knight moving like a bishop, or a queen moving like a knight) count against your perfect combo...

I should try playing this with a mouse instead of a touchpad and discover whether it's less frustrating playing as the developer intended.
This is an interesting project.

What I found irritating was that sometimes I didn't know if it was black or white playing and since the board as no coordinates, I couldn't decide if I was playing up or down.

So, I've two suggestions:

1) Add a "White to play" or "Black to play", preferably something visual as to not lose time reading;

2) Add board coordinates;
Is it possible to choose speed rates? I want to have more time before seeing the hints which are solutions. It would be even better to have an option to disable the hints.
@MackTheKnife @Tangelo777 Thanks for the feedback, I'm considering replacing the hints/solutions with a "Show hint" button instead

@TheLeon For sure, feel free to add a link on your blog :) Good idea on alternating colors to mix things up. I'm thinking of keeping it all white to move, or black to move within each level, and switching up the color you play as every few levels

@Stiltstiltstilts Re: "a large component of skill difference between experts and novices in chess is that experts have a bigger 'database' of these patterns drilled into their long-term memory." - exactly, getting ideas into long-term memory is the key, whatever the method is. Here, I'm trying to use game mechanics to make the process fun and get the player into a state of flow, and repetition to help them memorize the puzzles (spaced repetition to come later)

@Toadofsky I intend to open source this in the near future, in the spirit of free software. Just a matter of time before I clean it up and feel it's ready, as I compromised on code quality while figuring out what to build as a beta

@narud Currently, all puzzles are white to move. There's an indicator on the top of the page that says "White to move" on pageload, but perhaps I could emphasize it more with a colored king graphic
Instead of replacing it with a button, "hover to show hint" with the "title" attribute may do.

I love the idea and the execution. The colors were also just right and delivered a fascinating experience. Well done!
This puzzle 1k2r3/pp5p/2p1N1p1/q7/2P5/5Q1B/1P5P/2KR2R1 b - - (after Black plays Qa2) at level 7 doesn't accept smothered mate (Na6+) as a solution. It's mate in 3 instead of mate in 2... forced mate nonetheless.
Very good!
I loved the puzzles and the repetition scheme seems very promising.
Thank you for the good job!
Holly crap this is very good, should be added to this site immediatelyyyyyyyyyyy, bullet trainer hahaha
@Unihedron Good idea, I tried out showing hints on hover, but went with a button to keep the interaction consistent between desktop and mobile

@bufferunderrun I went and added smothered mate as a solution to that puzzle - thanks for pointing that out. Also, the game mechanics are more forgiving now, and will say "Almost" without dropping the combo, when a player makes a good move, but not the best move

@JohnTitor48 Thanks, glad you like it! I'm working on ideas to break up the monotonous gameplay now (black to move, levels with different game modes)

@looksik If Lichess wants to have a bullet trainer like this, I think that would be really cool, as there's potential to make tactics training way more fun

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