
Should Chess be in the Olympics

It’s should cuz chess is a sport and it is widely recognised as one. Obviously chess is mental.

But many people ask for the physical bit?

But chess can be physically demanding as at the professional level, chess burns more calories than football in a single game.

You don’t see players in the top 10 being overweight. Do you?
@BorisOspasky said in #9:
> @CSKA_Moscou Masterchef is a competition, not making yourself breakfast, speed nail cutting would be a speed contest, not linked to basic hygiene and there are also sewing programmes on TV, not that I’d watch such dross, so each has a justification as. Sport if chess is considered a sport.

no, since historically everything you call competition has a purpose. cooking competitions end in tasting. where is the use of chess?
@Aviraj12 said in #1:
> Please share your thoughts about “Should Chess be an Olympic game?”
The Chess Olympics have been going on since 1924. Many of the greatest GM's have played in it. Here's a link to an article about it. - The Uzbekistan team won the gold medal in the 44th Chess Olympiad in 2022. - - :]
chess should be an olympic game because the IOC considers chess as a sport. it is true that the olympics plays all sports but they miss cricket and chess. if they miss cricket then they miss chess.
Just curious, what is the reasoning of cricket not being in Olympics?
@BorisOspasky said in #10:
> @keatanpatel Then it should.

It's weird because Olympic Committee says its a 'sport' but not an 'Olympic sport' hence it is not played at the Olympic games. There are different classifications of sport apparently.
@morphyms1817 said in #15:
> Just curious, what is the reasoning of cricket not being in Olympics?

Probably same as chess not recognised as an Olympic sport.
@aKsKIl said in #11:
> But chess can be physically demanding as at the professional level, chess burns more calories than football in a single game.
> You don’t see players in the top 10 being overweight. Do you?

That's a myth. The brain burns barely more calories when you do an intellectually challenging task than when you watch TV.
Otherwise, the calories would have to be dissipated via sweat, so players would be in light sport outfit and would be sweating profusely throughout the match.
Chess would make an excellent Olympic sport. If curling is a sport, why not chess?

People have died playing chess, apparently from the stress. Has anybody died from curling?

By the way, I HAVE seen some, uh, portly chess players from time to time. So I wouldn't say it's a great way to burn off calories. Bogoljubov wasn't exactly a mere wisp of a man.

Furthermore, cricket is a sport? I thought she was one of Barbie's acquaintances.
I'm pretty sure it was in the olympics a while back, but like soccer it got shafted because it takes so long. So they both made their respective world cups which is basically their olympics

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