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18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to study endgame#11

A question about Silman's Complete Endgame course - is there any online site / eBook that has this (chessable, forwardchess, or something else)?

Lichess Feedback - Chess Ladders on lichess#4

Thanks everyone. I am specifically looking for a self-service (i.e. available online and I do not have to administer) ladder, where any lower-rated player can challenge someone above them, and if the …

Lichess Feedback - Chess Ladders on lichess#1

Does anyone have a recommendation on how to best implement a chess ladder on lichess, where a player challenges another player and moves above them on the ladder if they win? If this can't be done on …

Community Blog Discussions - tournament report: HCC Classical Thursday, April-May 2022 - Round #4#1

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Lichess Feedback - Can you study openings with the engine and play correspondence without getting flagged for cheating?#1

I'm new to correspondence chess on lichess - and loving it. Tonight I was playing a correspondence game and realized I had made an opening mistake. I went to the opening library to see what I SHOULD h…

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