
Search "user:SWISSAIR-111"

77 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - When do you realize you need to stop playing chess for a bit.#4

When I was cyberbullied for the second time in a chess website. I was called the n-word in So I left and never looked back.

Lichess Beta Testers - Cyberbullying#1

Why do I keep getting cyberbullied everywhere I go?

Lichess Feedback - i don't like how lichess is slowly becoming more politicized#15

I don't like how I get cyberbullied everywhere I go. I should leave

Off-Topic Discussion - Worst Airline?#10

@salmon_rushdie said in #9: > this sounds like good material for a review cuz it is.

Off-Topic Discussion - Worst Airline?#8

@salmon_rushdie said in #7: > But the pilot said he'd fly for dinner and a hotel...:D How old are they? 1 minute old?

Off-Topic Discussion - tiktok is getting banned :D#35

@salmon_rushdie said in #34: > Because they can't implement server-side censorship and can't control everything the users see, > > same reason as they banned google, facebook, wikipedia, reddit, blogs…

Off-Topic Discussion - Worst Airline?#6

@salmon_rushdie said in #5: > You get what you pay for eh :p Which is what? Super crappy landings and aerobatics and nose diving into the ground? Hell no!

Off-Topic Discussion - tiktok is getting banned :D#32

@salmon_rushdie said in #31: > I donno it's extremely popular on Youtube and probably 80% of what I watch > > Maybe cause Youtube is banned in China (i'm sure there's an alternative to that too tho) -…

Off-Topic Discussion - tiktok is getting banned :D#29

@clousems said in #21: > Tiktok is stupid. > Banning Tiktok is stupid. > > The two aren't mutually exclusive. Banning tik tok is not stupid. It's smart. dip.

Lichess Feedback - Rematch not working on iPhone#5

Then get smth that is not an iPhone. A Galaxy. That is smart!