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8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - favorite thing in chess#7

My favorite thing in chess is checkmating opponent's king. With advantage.

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#12

Well.. you display a regular board, 8x8. The whole point of this variant that makes it fun (and very hard) is to keep the virtual cylinder in one's mind. That's how it's played OTB. I am not a program…

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#10

Wikipedia actually has a short article on it:

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#9

Interesting idea. I'll have to find a camera :) It's really not that complex though -- you play regular chess on a "tubular" board, except that the "cylinder" is not really there -- you simply keep in…

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#7

In other words, the board (in one's imagination) looks the same as in the first link you posted, but the pieces are set along the edges of the cylinder instead. Get it?

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#6

No, the cylinder goes the other way around -- back ranks remain back ranks, h and a files are connected instead. The whole idea is to play it on regular board, all along keeping in mind that the board…

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#4

Yes, neither will finachetto, since every diagonal is a long diagonal :)

Lichess Feedback - Cylindrical chess#1

There exists a fantastic yet virtually unknown chess variant called "cylindrical chess", invented (supposedly) by Mikhail Tal. It works just like it sounds: imagine the board being a cylinder instead …
