
Search "user:glbert"

2136 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Puranik-Yu draw. Is that for real?#3

i think the draw was probably agreed on after 49...e4, and the last "move" is that thing where they put the kings in the middle of the board to signal the result.

General Chess Discussion - Retrieving my historical games#2

you can look at all of them here: or you can use advanced search to restrict to certain ones here: or you can download them…

Lichess Feedback - players cancelling games to avoid playing black pieces?#12

> If this is true, then wouldn't it mean these accounts would then get the white pieces more often in quick pairings haven't looked at the code, but simul games are casual games. and i doubt casual ga…

Lichess Feedback - Name changing#2

Lichess Feedback - The Lichess is buggy#6

@sapeg said in #3: > [...] the whole layout left. The top menu is fully open in all tabs. this sounds to me like you might have accidentally enabled blind mode. on the very top, even above the top men…

Lichess Feedback - players cancelling games to avoid playing black pieces?#4

i doubt it. my guess would be that people not using the pool and creating lobby games with fixed colours instead causes more of an imbalance.

Lichess Feedback - rating points are not awarded#2

Lichess Feedback - Statistics regarding games played on Lichess.#10

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #9: > I have a follow up question good luck.

Lichess Feedback - players cancelling games to avoid playing black pieces?#2

@unchemyst said in #1: > ould we make it so that when a game gets cancelled before the first move, both players end up playing the same set of pieces in their next game? this is unnecessary, because i…

Lichess Feedback - Statistics regarding games played on Lichess.#8

if you're actually interested in this, you'll have to bite the bullet and get off your phone for just a moment.
