
Search "user:mkubecek"

949 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Pause a game#9

It could only work if the game were adjourned to a specific date/time (agreed upon by the players). But I doubt there would be sufficient demand to justify the work needed to implement such feature.

Lichess Feedback - Bug in studies#5

@TBest said in #3: > should work after next restart. @vlad10898 said in #4: > no, it still doesn't There was no restart yet, when in doubt, you can check

General Chess Discussion - Team to play classical games#6

Well, it's fun, of course, but all the stuff like preparing for the games (sometimes also discussing the prep with the team), people watching their teammates playing and commenting on the games, even …

General Chess Discussion - I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?#38

@CSKA_Moscou said in #35: > But he's 2500 rapid. And no one has noticed it. I did - and I even mentioned it as early as in comment #5. (Back then it was higher, IIRC ~2580, but even less reliable than…

General Chess Discussion - Why are real players all of a sudden watching me play stockfish AI?#6

Apparently you are a celebrity now so celebrate. :-)

Lichess Feedback - How to leave another's player studio? Not created by myself?#8

Another explanation would be a language where both (english) words translate as the same word. I know this from my work where many German colleagues often use "packages" for (networking) packets becau…

General Chess Discussion - Anyone else think this about the knights?#7

Some people are quite sensitive about details like that; it doesn't have to be as bad as in "Rain Man" but majority of the population won't understand and finds it weird. Some people in our office fee…

General Chess Discussion - I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?#15

@ThePlayzPaidOff said in #11: > Also I am a full time student, so I do have a job so to speak. Not nearly the same, not by far. The time I was able to spend on my hobbies when I was at the university …

General Chess Discussion - I‘m 15 and have a rating of 2600... do you think I can become a GM?#5

Lichess rapid rating calculated from 13 games with rating deviation just barely below 110 is not very relevant for this question (and even less so the bullet rating). FIDE ELO of 1879 is probably much…

General Chess Discussion - getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually#56

You focus on the game count way too much. Pratice does matter but it's not the only factor and not the most important one either. Personal dispositions, time and effort a player is able and willing to…
