
#30: How to think on your opponent's turn

as a blitz player , Its not possible to walk away (I know this article is proly talking about classical games)
Very nice article that discusses the topic at hand in a useful and concise manner without branching off into weird personal anecdotes or self-promoting material.

Thumbs up!
I think this is a pretty interesting subject to give some attention.
I play mainly at clubs and yes, everyone has his/her own habits.
personally I tend to stay at the board and maybe waste valuable energy that way also.
also look at the clocks of other people playing when I do walk around.
I'll try to observe my thinking a bit next time im playing and its the opponents turn.
Thanks a lot for this article. definitely deserves more love
@odoaker2015 said in #3:
> Here is one good way to think on your oppenent's turn:
> The video is by MSK Chess, who has made excellent chess videos. Unfortunately he is no longer active. I recommend checking out his YouTube channel!

Thanks for linking, had never heard of that channel. I like Purdy's idea he put in the description:
1. Strengthen our own position.
2. Diminish our weaknesses.
3. Negate our opponent's strengths.
4. Accentuate their weaknesses.