
Can't play a position from an imported PGN against the engine in the new study created.

Upon reaching the chapter limit in a study, I've exported the same chapters to another study. However, in this new study, there's no option to play against an Engine ('Continue from here') present in the previous study.

This appears to happen only when the position is imported. The same position can be played from the Board Editor.
@AOOP09 said in #2:
> Can you share the position please?
White: c5, Kb6, Rh7
Black: Kc8, Rd8
White to move.

The problem is that it isn't just this position, but all the others imported from the previous study. I'm using the engine to practice the endgame positions from the book "100 endgames you must know" and it's my first time encountering this situation.

I tried manually setting the position in another study and it allowed me to play against the engine (the option was present). The problem is that doing it this way can be quite a lot of work adding the text and the variants to the study chapter. Especially when importing multiple chapters.