
Keyboard shortcuts?

lichess must develop key board shortcut. would be very easy .like ctrl+any key =computer analysis and ctrl+any key= game replay.
lichess can be working on the key board shortcuts we never know but by the way a nice concept
Ty Donaldsen.

I decided to press all the keys. This is what I found in analysis:

E = opening book
S = search (not sure what it's searching for)
F = flip
J = next move (same as right arrow)
K = previous move (same as left arrow)
L = local eval
Z = ? hides some stuff
X = show threat
C = chat
up arrow = starting position
down arrow = ending position
space = ? I think it plays the best engine move

I think there should be a help page for this!
? : Show help dialog (analysis mode/studies)
s : search users

In game mode:
z : Zen mode (hides everything but the board and move list)
f : Flip board
/w (in chat) : whisper to spectators (only spectators see this until the game is finished)

In studies:
d : Comment on this position
g : Annotate with glyphs

In analysis mode/studies:
←/→ (arrow keys on your keyboard) or j/k : Move backward/forward
↑/↓ or 0/$ : Go to start/end
Shift←/Shift→ or Shift J/Shift K: Enter/exit variation
Shift I : Inline notation
l : Toggle local computer analysis
z : Toggle all computer analysis
a : Computer arrows
space : Play computer best move
x : Show threat
e : Opening/endgame explorer
f : Flip board
c : Focus chat
Esc : Unfocus chat
Shift C : Show/hide comments

You can also scroll over the board to move in the game.
Press shift+click or right-click to draw circles and arrows on the board.

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