
Anyone into beers here

I drink the shittiest/cheapest/strongest beers. E.G. Natural Ice

But if I'm feeling swanky, I'll get a bottle of Surley Pentagram (sour beer).
Miller hilife for me. Drank Michelob for years then one day I just lost the taste for it. Couple of my friends like IPAs but I don't,too hoppy,tastes like drinking a pine tree.
@Dukedog said in #3:
> Miller hilife for me. Drank Michelob for years then one day I just lost the taste for it. Couple of my friends like IPAs but I don't,too hoppy,tastes like drinking a pine tree.
not a fan of either, drank almost 100 before started to like them to a degree and mainly high end neipas are to my liking
Well I do like Fat Tire ,Blue Moon and Stella Artois. Lowenbrau and Heineken and Sam Adams too heavy for me. Budweiser I can't stand but that may have to do with my first hangover. With seafood I like Negra Modelo .I used to go to this Mexican seafood restaurant and they didn't have a liquor license but there was a liquor store next door so I'd buy a 4 pack and send 2 back to the kitchen. They always treated me well there,lol.
I used to like beer, particularly Bud light and All Day IPA.

Then I got central sleep apnea, which gets a lot worse for a month after a single drink. So no more alcohol, ginger, or tumeric for me.
@Chesserroo2 said in #7:
> I used to like beer, particularly Bud light and All Day IPA.
> Then I got central sleep apnea, which gets a lot worse for a month after a single drink. So no more alcohol, ginger, or tumeric for me.

Happens to the best of us. Why I stopped drinking hard liquor in 2015

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