
Entertain a Conspiracy Theory

I already know Bob Lazar is a liar. Maybe he was mopping floors on Area 51, so what?

@Tbootpoo said in #50:
> Look up the actual facts for example about Bob Lazar.
> This man did a great deal of research, yes Lazar did lie
> The mysterious hand scanner lol ??
> That he made no money out of all of this ??
> Good conscise video here
> Sorry, but do people lie ?, well yes they do
> Do you think they do not ?
@Tbootpoo said in #50:
> Look up the actual facts for example about Bob Lazar.
> This man did a great deal of research, yes Lazar did lie
> The mysterious hand scanner lol ??
> That he made no money out of all of this ??
> Good conscise video here

This is practicing Whataboutism. I never mentioned Bob Lazar. This has nothing to do with having an open mind.

> Sorry, but do people lie ?, well yes they do

Yes. What about it?

> Do you think they do not ?

Why do you ask me? Do you seriously believe I think people never lie? People lie so bad they believe the lies themselves. One name for it is Politics, and it is what rules our community on this planet.
Now tell me what is "Scientific" or not, please!

I am tired of people changing the subject. Do you believe the Roswell Witnesses are liars?
If you continue changing the subject I see no point in continuing this discussion.
> About UFO's, how can they come from another planet and be so easily captured on camera and have millions of eye witness reports? I would say that is a fail for the designer of the cloaking devices or they want to be seen.

The idea of intelligent beings outside of Earth is not hard to believe in, considering a space-time geometry (rather than Euclidian), as well as quantum entanglement, among other things.

As far as observing these "aliens," I doubt we have any evidence of such a thing.
@Human77 said in #52:
> This is practicing Whataboutism. I never mentioned Bob Lazar. This has nothing to do with having an open mind.
> Yes. What about it?
> Why do you ask me? Do you seriously believe I think people never lie? People lie so bad they believe the lies themselves. One name for it is Politics, and it is what rules our community on this planet.
> Now tell me what is "Scientific" or not, please!
> I am tired of people changing the subject. Do you believe the Roswell Witnesses are liars?
> If you continue changing the subject I see no point in continuing this discussion.

I f you are going to take that attiude, then either do I

Goodbye :)
Certain people (noone mentioned) would not be able to see an alien even if there was a little green man sitting on top of their screen right now doing silly faces.

And my intention is certainly not to get into an angry discussion with anyone.
@Tbootpoo When Bob Lazar went on the Joe Rogan Podcast I was really hoping that he would get grilled but felt that Joe was playing softball with him.

I've been a huge fan of this podcast over the years and usually guests don't get away with much nonsense. In fact I left the first comment on episode #1 of JRE back in 2010 and the Lazar conversation broke my brain because of the implications if he was telling the truth.

In retrospect Joe sometimes doesn't challenge certain guests because he likes to give them enough rope to hang themselves first.

Joe has also changed his views on other conspiracies' like the Moon Landing Hoax and 911 but still insists that the JFK assignation was a concerted effort and that Oswald didn't act alone.

Now with the recent disclosure of the secret service agent that claims he put the magic bullet on the gurney I don't know what to think. Maybe it was just a coverup of incompetence.

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