
1...e5 Minor Lines Part 2

1 • heroku •
  1. Petroff - Introduction: 3.Nxe5 Nc6?! , 3...Nxe4?!
  2. Petroff - Introduction: 3...Qe7
  3. Petroff - Introduction: The Smyslov System
  4. Petroff - Main Lines: Go Long
  1. heroku

Sistematik Antrenman

1 • heroku •
  1. Weak and Strong Squares: Sample 1
  2. Weak and Strong Squares: Sample 2
  3. Weak and Strong Squares: Sample 3
  4. Weak and Strong Squares: Problem 6
  1. heroku


1 • heroku •
  1. Bölüm 1
  2. Bölüm 2
  3. Bölüm 3
  4. Bölüm 4
  1. heroku

heroku's Study

1 • heroku •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. heroku

1.e4 e5 Classical Repertoire

1 • heroku •
  1. Early Deviations and Gambits: The Portugese and The Nakamura
  2. Early Deviations and Gambits: The Ponziani and The Goring Gambit
  3. Early Deviations and Gambits: The Centre Game
  4. Early Deviations and Gambits: The King's Gambit
  1. heroku

1.e4 Caro-Kann, 1...e5 Minor Lines

1 • heroku •
  1. Caro-Kann - Minor Lines: The French with a Tempo Less
  2. Caro-Kann - Minor Lines: 3...g6 - The Disharmonious Fianchetto
  3. Caro-Kann - Minor Lines: 3...Na6 - The Delayed Fianchetto
  4. Arkhell-Khenkin Variation 3...c5: Introduction to 4.dxc5! - 4...e6
  1. heroku

Bishop vs Knight

1 • heroku •
  1. Bölüm 1
  2. Bölüm 2
  3. Bölüm 3
  4. Bölüm 4
  1. heroku

100 Endgames You Must Know Part 1

1 • heroku •
  1. Ending 1 The Rule of the Square
  2. Ending 1 Position 1.3
  1. heroku

Knight vs Pawns

1 • heroku •
  1. Bölüm 1
  2. Bölüm 2
  3. Bölüm 3
  4. Bölüm 4
  1. heroku

Bishop versus Pawn

1 • heroku •
  1. Bölüm 1
  2. Bölüm 2
  3. Bölüm 3
  4. Bölüm 4
  1. heroku