
Problem with this site

My site loads (completely) the first time you log in, but then it doesn't. I changed the device, tried it on another one - the same error. Writes A Reconnection. Please help me, what should I do? I want to play on my favorite site.
maybe you should try to refresh the pahe and try it again. if it doesn't work, then try changing your wifi...
It helps to change the network, but I'm at home, and the router gives out, so to speak, only one network, and to another, it's not very convenient, so to speak.
At the expense of the browser, I tried different browsers, nothing changes. I was cleaning the browser cache.
As I understand it, there are problems with the network, the Dns server may need to be changed to a specific one, something else like that; Other sites are working..
During installation, he writes: It is not possible to continue executing the code, because the system does not provide a friend MSVCP100.dll . To fix this problem, try reinstalling the program. What to do, how to reinstall the program if I don't have it in the downloaded ones, but he asks me to reinstall it..
@DlyaNoyta2008 a missing ddl weird. thats a windows problem do DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth in cmd with admin rights it fixies most windows problems
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