
Terrrible Lichess Lag - It’s not me!

@petri999 said in #51:
> is also experiencing DDoS
> some one gets kicks out pissing chess players off.

that was a few days ago, I assume it's back to normal by now
@VeganDream said in #49:
> It is also happening to me but apparently not to my opponents I can't even move it is taking back my last movements and the saying reconnecting. Lost 4 games already because of this

Well, you don't see wheter or not it happening to your opponents, do you? You can detect your own lag easily because your clock stops and then, suddenly, your remaining time decreases. But how do you now if your opponent was thinking or lagging? But I do agree that it is annoying when your move is taken back instead of being executed it as soon as you get reconnected. However, as far as I remember - doesn't that only happen if your time runs out?
I didn't have issues yesterday but today is every game. Lag on moves. It disconnects me and takes minutes to reconnect. Refresh doesn't help.
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Well there goes my conspiracy theory that someone can hit a button anytime my rating gets too high :-)

A Lichess Moderator said in #44:
> Did you miss this answer before your posting. Denial of service attack is not a bug. It needs to fought but no remedy 100% effective. Please see quoted answer below
well the attacker has limited budget and perhaps multiple targets. so it will go on and off for a while.

kinda hard to understand what is the point. squeezing money of organisations like lichess is not possible. and attacker needs to pay for bot net rental something
Why isn't there a big fat notification on the start page of lichess?

It would be nice to know that lags can happen and that the lichess team is informed about that
I just lost a game due to this horrible lag. Went to the lag check page and it says my network is bad. Went to check my network and I'm solidly good.
this is a huge problem.
And it shows every user as having a "poor" internet connection (with one red bar and ping times of about 2500 ms on my computer).

Well, let's hope the admins find a way to lock the attackers out.

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