
Why politics on Lichess?

Why politics on Lichess? For the formal expression of opinion and the action in solving a global problem.
As chess players, we need to focus of loyalty and service.

Is Lichess in a form of an oligarch? Do you think oligarchies are controlling this organization?
Are the chess pieces not in a form of monarchy?
If we look back at history, ... chess, politics and the military seem to have done things together.

Nothing is hidden in chess and because of that, we can find the optimal solution to a problem.
Global warming seems to have more hidden factors, and is full of surprises. Image the climate change as the chess variant Bughouse, where you don't know what could happen next. If a chessbot is able to play this type of game, then maybe it can be reprogrammed to solve the climate change problem.

The climate change problem is similar to a chess problem. The quality of our skills will determine the optimal solution.
Can someone reprogram a chess computer to propose an optimal solution for this global problem of climate change?
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@Toscani "Nothing is hidden in chess and because of that, we can find the optimal solution to a problem." In politics everything is hidden.
While arguments about climate change and FFF movement is interesting for me, What I think we really need to make some consensus here is that whether continuing to show the green banner is appropriate or not.

Discussing climate change doesn't answer the question no matter what opinion you have because it's a different problem. Unless thibault put it to make people debate on the subject here to decide the winner, but obviously there will be no winner.

What I want to put emphasis on is that the major risk of severely tearing this great chess community apart. I know this controversial decision is based on some deep thoughts, but still it looks underestimating the possible impact for me.

lichess should be primarily dedicated for chess. You can have any kind of opinions but you should make the best effort to not cause unnecessary conflicts and not expose the community in danger in order to make sure that all people in this site can enjoy and have the best experience here. It may sound exaggerating but actually quite a lot of good relationships and communities have been irreversibly damaged this way.

So, at the end I personally don't recommend doing it again next Friday, but it's all up to you lichess staffs.

Why do you think Lichess can do whatever it wants?

I don't think so. Lichess is running on donated money. Money that is donated to support Lichess' single official purpose, and that is "to promote and encourage the teaching and practice of chess and its variants." And nothing else.

If Lichess' officially stated purpose were "to promote and encourage the teaching and practice of chess and its variants and to promote Greta Thunberg and FFF " things would be different.

But Lichess has collected all its funds for one purpose only:"to promote and encourage the teaching and practice of chess and its variants"

Lichess, in my view, is bound to do what it has stated when it collected all the money from other people. And nothing else.

Lichess must not support checkers, bridge or poker.
Lichess must not support the local soccer league.
Lichess must not support the french car industry or british cheese manufacturers.
Lichess must not support Trump for president, or Clinton or LePen or Sarkozy.
Lichess must not support FFF.

Well, lichess is doing what it wants to do. You decide how to deal with it.

Go ahead, thibault!
Putting gratuitous political messages in a chess website is cringeworthy and patronizing.
Thankfully you don't decide what lichess gets to support and not support.

Go check out That's international checkers. Do we support them? Yes. Is it an amazing site? Yes. Has lichess supported countless other opensource projects both unrelated and related to chess? Yes. The only reason people are reacting to this is bc they disagree with FFF. Which is fair. You are allowed to disagree with them. But it does make you a hypocrite.
We're very cautious with the way we spend Lichess' money, as it's indeed coming from donations. We wouldn't spend it on trips to a FFF demonstration, for instance.

The banner was free, it was implemented in a few minutes, it doesn't take any more server resources, and the bandwith is free. All it's costing really is time for our moderators to sift through this thread for the various death threats on Thibault's and Greta's person, and they're all volunteers.

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