
any ideas

@ALucasM said in #14:
> i read one chapter. it wasnt bad, but i decided to read harry potter instead.

uh BIG mistake bro Eragon is FULL of emotion and it is amazing cos all the characters have a lot of background im not the best reader so i listened to it on audiobook the books are so thick but its a amazing series its the only book that i felt transported to that world and the good guys are losing like the whole time lol witch i think makes it more believableXD anyway harry potter is meh and Eragon is YEAAAAAA so GO READ ERAGON!!!!!
@theodorecalexico said in #22:
> uh BIG mistake bro Eragon is FULL of emotion and it is amazing cos all the characters have a lot of background im not the best reader so i listened to it on audiobook the books are so thick but its a amazing series its the only book that i felt transported to that world and the good guys are losing like the whole time lol witch i think makes it more believableXD anyway harry potter is meh and Eragon is YEAAAAAA so GO READ ERAGON!!!!!

You should make a book about books that write themselves and teh elv is the publisher and the human is the type setter and they fight at the end using a gutenberg letterpress..
Urula K Le Guin is better known for her scifi, but her Earthsea novels are worth a read too.
@Noflaps said in #17:
> The Once and Future King. Did he, by chance, have orangey-gold hair and a smokin'-hot wife, and get lots of resolutely negative attention from the press?

Weirdly, yes (if I recall the last book correctly).
I have found some of the novels by Brent Weeks to be interesting. I have only started on the fourth book (out of five) of Lightbringer. You might see if you can pick up the first novel in the series. If you like it, great. If not, that's cool. Maybe you can get a digital copy of the book. It would cost less, just in case you don't care for the series. :)

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