
do you seriously support palestine?? Read this:

If you say Israel occupied a state called Palestine, this is for you:
You say there was a State of Palestine before the establishment of Israel?
Ok then, if you can please answer these questions for me.

1. Who was the President of Palestine before the “occupation”?
2. What was the National Currency of Palestine before the “occupation” (or even now)?
3. What Army did Palestine have before the “occupation”?
You can't answer these questions, you know why?

Because prior to 1948, there was a territory controlled by the British Mandate, where Both Jews and Arabs lived. Before that it was controlled by many other empires and all this history dates back to the Jews, the historical inhabitants and of the land. With proof in the Quran, Bible and Torah.

The origin of the name Palestine, was given as an insult to the Jews by the Romans in the Year 136 C.E., in conclusion to the Bar Kochba Revolt. This is where the name Palestine originated from, as an insult to the Jews, the historical inhabitants, hundreds of years before Islam was even founded.

Also, Israel offered Palestine a Two State solution FIVE TIMES, Palestinian government declined these offers because THEY DO NOT WANT PEACE.

After 1948, the UN offered the Partition plan, which the Jews accepted but the Arabs refused. After that, we offered citizenship to every Arab in Israel and that is why we have millions of Arab Israeli citizens.
And why we have those who rejected as well.

Ever heard that Israel gave Gaza to Palestine in 2005 on a silver platter but they elected the terrorist group Hamas and created a terror base?

So, Stop it with the fake narrative that Palestine wants its own state. No. They want to accomplish a second Holocaust and Murder all the Jews.
The main goal of Hamas is to murder every single Jew. Read their damn charter.

The IDF protects its citizens. The Rulers of Palestine Protect THEMSELVES with Palestinians as Human Shields. They store rockets in mosques, old age homes, Children schools and hospitals. The IDF needs to protect its citizens just like any country and destroy these houses. Israel warns Palestinians to evacuate way in advance, and Hamas traps them in there to manipulate the media, murdering any Palestinian who tries to escape.
Palestine is filled with Fake news and Propaganda and Evil Terrorists who murder innocents on both sides and ruin peoples lives. Meanwhile the leaders are terrorist who are living luxurious lives. Palestinians who protest against the leaders, are murdered. I mean shot, decapitated, dragging the body on a motorcycle on the streets and more.

Imagine if this happened in the US. Israel has every right to defend itself and declare war. Since Oct 7, Israel has suffered from the following:
* 1400+ murdered
(By murdered, I mean Innocent Israeli babies, children, adults and elderly being baked alive. By murdered, I mean innocent Israeli babies, children, adults and elderly being burned alive. By murdered, I mean innocent babies, children, adults and elderly getting decapitated (Head chopped off). By murdered, I mean an innocent Israeli pregnant woman getting her stomach cut open and killing the baby and the mother. By murdered I mean an innocent Israeli little girl getting her hand chopped off and bleeding to death alone. By murdered I mean innocent Israeli Babies, Children, Adults and elderly being stabbed and shot.)

* Thousands and thousands of Injured

* Thousands and thousands of innocents seeing the most sick acts committed by Hamas-ISIS, which will traumatize them for the rest of their lives.
* Hundreds of Civilians kidnapped (including babies, children and elderly) - who are being Tortured, molested, raped, starved and more...
* Sirens across the country
* Fathers, brothers and sons leaving their families to protect the country and making their families not able to sleep at night
* Thousands and Thousands of rockets fired from Gaza to Israel. Causing sirens that sound like it’s the end of the world.

Also, all the above, don’t only include innocent Israelis. It also includes innocent USA, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Russia, Germany citizens and many more...

And all of these numbers are sadly still growing as we speak and the war continues.

The soul purpose of Hamas and the leaders of Palestine is to MURDER every single Jew. They don’t want peace, they don’t want a two state solution, they don’t care about Palestinians or Israelis. They ONLY care about death and destruction. They are literal Nazis.

Now, people are justifying these terrible acts. Saying it’s to Free Palestine. Saying to Gas the Jews. Well, as you just read: Free Palestine means - kill all the Jews. You saw the history of the land and that it belongs to Israel. You saw that Israel offered Peace and a two state solution. You SAW what to Free Palestine MEANS. The numbers of deaths so far equal to nearly Fifteen Nine Eleven’s in ratio to citizen per country. Imagine if people in the US said that 9/11 was two sided.
Hamas is ISIS, they are WORSE than ISIS.

You either support Israel, or you support terrorism. There is not a third option.
@aArYAn555 said in #2:
> nerd
its better to be a nerd rather than support terrorism. I stand with Israel forever.
@A-Red-Panda said in #1:
> 2. What was the National Currency of Palestine ......” (or even now)?

I can answer that one. The Shekel.
There is a third option. It consists in believing that killing civilians is unjustifiable.

It's not about muslims or jews. It's about basic human decency, the one that doesn't need slogans. When you see every day images of corpses coming from Gaza, you know that something is very, very wrong with Israel's bombing there. When you see images of blood trails in homes in Be'eri, you know something is very, very wrong with Hamas' attack there.

Free Palestine means, stop killing Palestinians, and let them have their country.

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