
Whos the best NBA player don't say Michel Jordan

@Zurel said in #30:
> his nicknames chef curry my guy cause he cookin' in the kitchen
> I literally know like the annals of the NBA
okay lol
@Chessking1015056 said in #31:
> okay lol
chef curry
King James
Kawhi "the claw" leonard
Giannis "The Greek freak" antetakounpo
Joel "troel" Embiid
James "the beard" harden
Luka "wonderboy" doncic
@Frogster64 said in #33:
> Seriously, if Kareem had worn shoes he would have won this fight. Bruce didn't fight fair.

I thought Bruce intended JKD to be not fair.
> I thought Bruce intended JKD to be not fair.

You may well be right. I know nothing about martial arts. :)
Bruce Lee could have dunked the ball. And he was sorta tiny. But a man doesn't need to be tall to have the mojo.

By the way, why can't we mention Michael Jordan? He was the MASTER of mojo.

Although Alex English was the smoothest of all. He was the Bruce Lee of basketball -- when you watched him, you couldn't help but be impressed.
@Noflaps said in #36:
> Bruce Lee could have dunked the ball. And he was sorta tiny. But a man doesn't need to be tall to have the mojo.
> By the way, why can't we mention Michael Jordan? He was the MASTER of mojo.
> Although Alex English was the smoothest of all. He was the Bruce Lee of basketball -- when you watched him, you couldn't help but be impressed.
tur very true
Michael Jordan. I didn't say "Michel Jordan" I said "Michael Jordan".

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