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20 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Manual analysis#5

I am coming back to this after one year. I don't think the paste function does this exactly, unless you import a game with the first move only and show it from there. But in a true "examine mode" you …

Lichess Feedback - Is the lack of any premove time penalty an exploitable flaw?!#44

I have an objection to the original poster, who wrote: "[...] if you have a time advantage, it should generally be *meaningful*". The time advantage *is* meaningful in bullet games in lichess. If one …

General Chess Discussion - Best opening against D4#4

Nimzo Indian is good, but it is not one opening, it is 10 different opening systems which happen to start with the same moves. Pick one or two of them to play.

Lichess Feedback - Correspondance Chess#76

An old feature of correspondence chess, from the days of pigeon post, is the ability to send a variation instead of only one move at a time. For example my opponent plays 1.e4, I reply 1...e5 2.Nf3 Nc…

Lichess Feedback - Correspondance Chess#28

How do you get to start a correspondence game? I mean when I seek one, and I want to play a blitz game in the mean time, my seek is lost. If I logout while waiting (because I my find an opponent after…

Lichess Feedback - New 2d set#1

I really like the artistic and modern new 2D set, but I have to say that the pawns (which are just circles) are not places in the center of the square, and that looks a little odd. (keep up the amazin…

Lichess Feedback - Manual analysis#3

I would like the feature "examine", like in ICC and FICS, where you input the moves of a new game manually, e.g. to show to an online friend a game you played over the board. Is it there?
