
Looking for 2000+ classical players for 120+60 or 180+60 games

@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #19:
> So much pressure *-*

Good luck beating him, he was in the top 100 classical players on lichess last time I checked.....
@SD_2709 said in #21:
> Good luck beating him, he was in the top 100 classical players on lichess last time I checked.....

Where did I mention I want to beat him? I don't even want to play, others want to for some reason.
I keep blundering all my classical games -.- Why do people on here even keep playing with -4 disadvantage. I find that so disrespectful.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #25:
> I keep blundering all my classical games -.- Why do people on here even keep playing with -4 disadvantage. I find that so disrespectful.

Pro tip - when that happens, keep on playing your best chess and try to save as many pawns as possible and then underpromote them all lol.
Yeah... the rivalry is starting soon, worth to watch.
Or it would be like Lennox Lewis vs Riddick Bowe that never happened.
I am sooooo close to the rating requirement but yeah no way I am playing anything slower than 45+30.
Also good luck drawing teenagedimwit, one of the best dimwits who posts in the fourm regularly.

@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #28:
> Guys please stahp XD Omg
> This ain't no rival, this is more of a friend than an enemy.
Ah so a frenemy
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #25:
> I keep blundering all my classical games -.- Why do people on here even keep playing with -4 disadvantage. I find that so disrespectful.
I have recently tied an endgame with -5 disadvantage, so it is worth playing to the end.

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